Marketing Analytics

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Podcast: Where Are Marketing & AI Headed?

In this captivating episode of Rialto Marketing’s podcast, our very own Devin Rose joined Tim Fitzpatrick to delve into the evolving landscape of marketing and AI. This discussion uncovers the practical applications of AI in marketing, its current limitations, and what the future might hold. As AI continues to transform the marketing world, Devin and Tim provide valuable insights and actionable advice for marketers looking to leverage these powerful tools effectively. Key Takeaways

By: Devin Rose

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What Conversions Should an MSP Track in Google Analytics?

As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), it’s understandable to be skeptical about tracking technology that enables the tracking of web users. After all, your primary concern is protecting your clients’ privacy. However, with 96% of top MSPs using Google Analytics, it’s evident that this tool is beneficial despite valid concerns about Google’s domination of the online ecosystem. Google Analytics aims to strike an appropriate balance between protecting user data while providing valuable marketing information for…

By: Devin Rose

Measuring Marketing for MSPs

Webinar: Measuring Marketing for MSPs

Join Devin for a discussion of the merits and challenges regarding measuring marketing results for Managed Service Providers. Find out what you can and should be tracking. Webinar Transcription Devin: Alright. Yeah. Thanks everyone for joining me today for the EO 2020 Canada Regional Virtual Summit. Today’s topic for the presentation is measuring marketing for MSPs. And if, I figure there’s probably some attendees who are not MSPs and there should be some good takeaways…

By: Devin Rose

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The MSP Marketing Stack

We marketers like to borrow concepts from our more technical counterparts. Technical people started using agile development, so marketers started using agile too. Technical people held scrums, and marketers felt left out and so we had our scrums too. Technical people had fun acronyms to describe their “stacks”, like LAMP, and marketers were like… Today’s blog discusses the marketing technology “stack” specifically for top MSP websites. We’ll discuss which analytics tools, content management systems, web…

By: Devin Rose


3 Excel Tips for Marketers

In the same way being seen as tech support by your extended family isn’t always wise in your personal life, neither is being seen as the Excel expert at your office.

By: Devin Rose

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Learning from Sports Analytics

With all due respect to my dear American clients and friends, let’s be honest, watching baseball is a very boring way to pass time. I could be showing my Western Canadian bias here, but compared to the sports that I follow, hockey and football, the pace of play in baseball is just too slow to keep my attention. But the one aspect of baseball I find really interesting is the advanced statistics. Popularized by the…

By: Devin Rose

Mainstream Awareness

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Five

This is the fifth and final installment of eBridge’s ‘eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs’ blog series. Now at the peak of the pyramid, we’ll be discussing marketing tactics to gain mainstream brand awareness.  This includes the type of alluring tactics which draw junior marketers into the profession. When well-executed, a quality tier five campaign can win awards and accolades. But realistically, most brands never reach the point where they’re a legit household name. So while…

By: Devin Rose

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The Dunning-Kruger Effect

In the realm of faking-it-till-you-make-it, the undisputed heavyweight champion is Malcolm Gladwell (pictured above, right of my boss, Hartland Ross). While undoubtedly an influencer in business, science and psychology, Malcolm is merely an author with a history degree. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed his page-turners as much as the average adult stuck in an airport. Hell, I’ve been known to throw out an anecdote or two from his bestsellers ‘Blink’, ‘Outliers’, and ‘The Tipping…

By: Devin Rose

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Are you ready for the next Google shift? Time to get mobile friendly!

The digital marketing world is looking ahead to the latest Google algorithm shift coming Apr 21st, 2015. Google will now be looking at the mobile friendliness of a website when delivering search results to mobile devices. If the site falls short, it may drop in mobile search rankings. It makes sense. Google is always looking for ways to improve its search results and they consider user experience an important indicator of quality. We’ve all had the…

By: Frank Siano