When it comes to your business’ success, you’re looking at revenue streams. The more value and service you can offer to your existing customer base, the better. Any web hosting or technology company operates online. It makes sense to bring online marketing into the mix.
With the internet marketing partnership program from eBridge, you can offer your customers the services they need for their online presence, without needing to make any investments in staffing or resources yourself. You earn commissions and we handle the management and delivery of services.
As an eBridge partner, we handle the new project account services, maintain client communications for our referral partners, leverage our marketing systems and resources and provide your customers with cost effective internet marketing services.
When you work with eBridge, you can feel confident knowing you have a trusted and experienced partner working with you. We’ve been helping businesses like yours see results from their online marketing programs since 2001.
As an eBridge Referral Partner, you will receive 15% commissions on all new referral business.
The eBridge Partner Program also has available a White Label Marketing Program. You maintain the ongoing client relationship and charge what you like for the various services. Your customers will not be aware that there is an internet marketing services agency working behind the scenes.
Our internet marketing services revolve around results oriented objectives. We get started with:
If we feel we can add value, these steps may include any of our internet marketing consulting services listed here.
Broaden your customer relationships by offering internet marketing options. Let your bottom line reap the benefits.
Want to learn more about our Partner Program?
“I have been working with eBridge Marketing Solutions for close to one year now and I have to say they have been very helpful. They made my life easier and were able to help me in setting up many places for our advertising needs. I like the fact that I have one contact to all the places I advertise. They’re doing a wonderful job and are great people to work with.”
Mark Lee
ANhosting | www.anhosting.com