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Striking the Balance: How to Achieve Quality and Cost-Effective Blogging for MSPs

Blogging has become an integral part of any successful SEO strategy. It is an effective way to generate organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and enhance brand credibility. However, many Managed Service Providers (MSPs) struggle to strike a balance between cost and quality when it comes to blogging. In this article, we will explore how MSPs can balance cost and quality in their blogging efforts to achieve maximum ROI. Importance of Blogging for MSPs’ SEO…

By: Devin Rose

Outsourcing Marketing Effectively Thumbnail

Outsourcing Marketing Effectively (Webinar)

Recently I was invited to give a presentation about marketing for a lunch and learn for Tandem Innovation Group, which describes themselves as “affiliate firm of Independent Professional CFO’s, Controllers, Project Accountants and Bookkeepers.” Tandem is a network that connects those with a need for fractional accounting with qualified accountants. Keeping with the spirit of working with outside professionals, my presentation entitled ‘Outsourcing Marketing Effectively’ discusses marketing tactics where low-cost can be prioritized, marketing tactics where…

By: Devin Rose

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Learning from Sports Analytics

With all due respect to my dear American clients and friends, let’s be honest, watching baseball is a very boring way to pass time. I could be showing my Western Canadian bias here, but compared to the sports that I follow, hockey and football, the pace of play in baseball is just too slow to keep my attention. But the one aspect of baseball I find really interesting is the advanced statistics. Popularized by the…

By: Devin Rose


eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Four

Readers have been clamoring for the fourth installment of eBridge’s ‘eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs’. If you haven’t yet read the first, second, or third posts in this series, you’re highly encouraged to-do-so! The first three posts helped to identify marketing priorities for organizations as they prove their business concept, make their first moves into eCommerce, and specialize in a niche market. This fourth installment focuses on priorities for companies who are looking to scale…

By: Devin Rose

Niche Awareness

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Three

Welcome to part three of our eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs. This edition is all about tactics to gain brand awareness within a specific niche market. You may wish to check out the prerequisites outlined in the first and second parts of the series before reading this entry. The recommendations that follow assume that you’ve already proven your business concept and created a basic and functional website. If you’re at the stage where you find your…

By: Devin Rose

Want better search rankings? Look at your content

While search marketing is a field that is always in flux with algorithm updates and strategy shifts happening constantly, there is one cornerstone of SEO that continues its steadfast domination – content. Having quality content on your site is one strategy that, no matter the situation or the industry, is always relevant and applicable. Any discussion of SEO these days must include content. Search engines are able to recognize what searchers want to read and…

By: Frank Siano

What’s Better for My Business – SEO or PPC?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) involves a variety of different tactics and strategies to gain search engine visibility, namely Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising. SEO encompasses everything that happens on your site to communicate with and give indicators to the search engines, from proper tagging, to quality content, to optimal site structure.  Taking it a step further, SEO also encompasses all things that happen off-site such as linking, content, social media interaction, and…

By: Frank Siano

Do Offsite Search Marketing Strategies Still Matter?

2013 has been a big year for changes to Google’s search algorithm with repercussions far and wide for SEO experts and businesses. There are no longer shortcuts or loopholes that get your site ranked quickly and easily. Onsite SEO is a different game, and this also applies to offsite efforts. In fact, many popular offsite SEM tactics either need shifting, or need to be abandoned altogether. Let’s take a closer look… Anchor texts Using keyword rich anchor…

By: Hartland Ross

Creating A Search Friendly Press Release Not What It Used To Be

Many business owners don’t realize that a press release is not just about announcing your latest news – it can also play a part in your search marketing strategy. There is quite a bit of debate in regards to press releases and search with all the recent updates to Google’s algorithm, but in short, a well written, quality release can help your business gain media exposure and hopefully receive mentions from credible outlets while sending out…

By: Hartland Ross