Marketing Tools

Niche Awareness

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part Three

Welcome to part three of our eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs. This edition is all about tactics to gain brand awareness within a specific niche market. You may wish to check out the prerequisites outlined in the first and second parts of the series before reading this entry. The recommendations that follow assume that you’ve already proven your business concept and created a basic and functional website. If you’re at the stage where you find your…

By: Devin Rose

Proof of Concept

eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs: Part One

This is the first entry in a five-part series of blogs we’ve dubbed the ‘eCommerce Marketing Hierarchy of Needs’. The objective for these blogs is certainly audacious. We aim to provide a simple framework for eCommerce businesses that helps to identify which marketing activities should be prioritized based on a company’s growth stage. We will help answer questions like: “should we be investing to improve our website’s user experience or is that time/money better spent…

By: Devin Rose

Dart Board

Precision, Accuracy, and Marketing Measurement

If you are talking to a marketing agency about new opportunities, they better ask how you’ll be measuring results. If they don’t, you should just turn and run, hang up the phone, click the red button on Skype, or whatever. Any honest marketer worth their salt knows that having a measurement plan is essential for success. Otherwise you are blind to the results of your marketing initiatives, and lacking the insight to keep your marketer…

By: Devin Rose

How to Effectively Communicate Your Sales Message to an International Audience

The internet has made enormous strides in making the world seem like a smaller place. Doing business internationally is now accomplished with a simple click of a button, and companies enjoy their products and services reaching bigger audiences and gaining customers all over the world. But only if they can communicate effectively. Here are some tips to help shape your marketing message so international customers understand and respond to it. Research cultural taboos before moving…

By: Martina Iring

Three Simple Marketing Tools: Part III: Prove You Can Do It Using Case Studies

The previous two marketing tools I have written about – white papers and special reports – need to be free of obvious bias, or they lose their strength to persuade readers. But case studies cover some of the same ground, while making your case, entirely. One of the beauties of case studies is that they can be long and exhaustive, short and sweet, or any length in between – it all depends on what you…

By: Hartland Ross

Three Simple Marketing Tools: Part II: Attract Interest with Special Reports

I was talking with our copywriter John here at eBridge and a number of years ago he wrote for a marketing newsletter in a natural resource industry. At various times the publisher would approach him to tell him that he needed more subscriptions in order to keep paying the big bucks. These were the days before the Internet, so everything he tried had to be based in direct mail, faxes and phone calls. Not a…

By: Hartland Ross