Conversion Rate Optimization

How Website Design Affects Conversion Rates

An important strategy for growing your business’ sales is to get new customers – this is what marketing and promotion are all about and for many businesses this revolves around their website. However, many business owners make the mistake of focusing on the amount of traffic and the number of visitors they get. While these are important metrics, they don’t mean anything if that traffic isn’t converting into sales! In a previous post, we’ve gone…

By: Hartland Ross

Website Usability – 10 Tips For Getting It Right

For a business, there isn’t anything more important than the website when it comes to online marketing. It’s the focal point of your business’ online presence and your success rides on its ability to deliver to visitors a great experience. Follow these 10 website usability tips to ensure that your business’ site is doing exactly that. 1)      Make sure that visitors understand immediately what you do. Many companies make the mistake of assuming that their…

By: Hartland Ross